CELEBRAT RedCLover Org 24tbg


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Product Overview

Warnings: Brewed tea is hot.

Notes: A resealable freshness bag is used to extend the quality and life of your tea.

Recommended Use: Good water is an essential part of brewing a great cup of tea. Using spring or filtered water is recommended. More potent when exposed to high temperatures for a short amount of time. To ensure your tea has its maximum medicinal properties and flavor be sure that your water is at a rolling boil when you pour it over your tea bags. If you desire a medicinal tea: use one tea bag per cup of boiling water. Cover and steep for 7-12 minutes. This is known as the infusion method. If you desire a pleasure tea or quick brew: Use one tea bag per cup of hot water. Pour water over tea bags, cover and steep for 3-5 minutes to taste.


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