BRAINIAC AppleSauce 4 pack

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Product Overview

Make snacking count with Brainiac Kids Smart Squeezers: A smarter applesauce created by 2 dads, plus a team of expert pediatricians, neurologists and nutritionists. Each BPA-free pouch is packed with the brain nutrients growing minds need and often don’t get, including Omega-3 DHA, EPA and Choline from our proprietary BrainPack. Most kids are only getting 20% of their daily Omega-3 nutrients. But with Brainiac Kids, they’ll get as much as 90%+ of their recommended daily intake of Omega-3s and up to 100% of their daily choline. And if that wasn't enough, with 25mg of Vitamin C in each pouch, there is an extra immunity boost! In addition to brain-building essentials, our applesauce contains only the good stuff – apples picked at peak freshness, no added sugar, and no artificial flavors or fillers. It’s dairy-free and made in facilities without gluten or nuts. We’re proud to be B-Corp certified and partner with Terracycle to ensure you can dispose of your pouches in an environmentally-friendly way.


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